
We are passionate about winning cases for our clients and dedicated to providing superior client service.
Experienced Personal Injury Lawyers for Amputation Injuries
Faerber & Anderson, P.C., understands the wide-reaching effects that the loss of a limb can have on your emotional and financial well-being. Our firm consults with medical experts, economists and life-care planners to help you plan for and cope with the physical and emotional challenges of dealing with an amputated leg or amputated arm.
The lawyers from our firm helped obtain $2.4 million from a Shortline Railroad for a brakeman who was riding at the end of a car to protect a crossing. The brakeman fell under the car and suffered an amputation injury. View other verdicts and settlements we have won for our clients.
A young, male railroad client who lost both his legs above the knee in a tragic accident inspired our attorneys to try to help every amputee client achieve the highest quality of life and the highest level of functioning possible. After attending The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research in Texas (TIRR) , this young man now snow skis, rides a bike and scales mountains.
Many of the local resources available to victims of an amputation are good. However, some of the work being done nationwide at organizations such as TIRR and The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago is truly amazing. They have made tremendous strides in areas including the use of bionic prosthetic devices, robotic assistance in walking and computer games to help the rehabilitation process. We help our clients access both the local and national resources that will give them the best possible chance to live the full and rich lives they deserve.