
We are passionate about winning cases for our clients and dedicated to providing superior client service.
St. Louis Lawyers for Railroad Crossing Accidents
Many of this country’s railroad crossings are unprotected and dangerous to motorists, pedestrians and railroad employees. The crossings that do have lights or crossbucks are often poorly maintained or non-functional. A train cannot stop quickly or swerve; all it can do is sound the whistle, slow down and provide plenty of warning.
At Faerber & Anderson, P.C., we have successfully represented motorists, pedestrians and trainmen for the injuries they sustained related to dangerous crossings. For over 40 years, we have represented personal injury clients from St. Louis, Missouri, and from the neighboring communities in Illinois and Arkansas.
Notable Case: $300,000 Railroad Crossing Case:
Faerber & Anderson, P.C., recovered $300,000 at trial for a family who observed a fatal accident in which a train hit a trespasser on the tracks. The family’s young son suffered emotional distress after witnessing the death. View other verdicts and settlements we have won for our clients.
protecting the safety of pedestrians
Oftentimes, pedestrians do not appreciate the dangers associated with trains that are stopped on railroad tracks. These trains can move suddenly, without warning. Other pedestrian crossing accidents occur when people get caught on or near the railroad track, with no place to escape an oncoming train.
Many of these accidents occur near parks or on well-traveled paths, which the railroads clearly know are present. Faerber & Anderson, P.C., has successfully challenged the railroads, pushing for stronger safety measures, warnings and education to be implemented.
Notable Case: $415,000 Railroad Pedestrian Accident:
Our attorneys successfully obtained $415,000 in settlement for a young trespassing child, whose arm was amputated while crawling underneath a railroad car coupling. The train started to move without warning, catching the arm underneath the wheels on the track.
seeking compensation for car and train accidents
Crossing accidents often involve car drivers who are traveling through unprotected crossings. Foliage and terrain can make it difficult to see an approaching train. The track at some crossings is so deteriorated that multiple accidents have occurred when vehicles got stuck. In addition, signals and crossbucks can malfunction from lack of maintenance.
Notable Case: $650,000 for Amtrak Engineer in Crossing Case:
After a young driver snaked around the crossing gates in front of an oncoming Amtrak train that was fully loaded with passengers, the car somehow caught on the locomotive and was banging up against the train’s fuel tanks while the train continued to barrel down the tracks. Faerber & Anderson successfully pursued an underinsured motorist claim on behalf of the Amtrak engineer who was driving the train for $650,000 for post-traumatic stress disorder.